For more than 50 years, the Texas Grants Resource Center (TGRC) has served as a bridge between the grant-seeking and the grant-making communities. The TGRC is resource for the community provided by the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health at the University of Texas at Austin.
The TGRC contains core publications from Candid, the leading source of philanthropy information, as well as other major materials in fund development, grants, and nonprofit management. It provides free access to multiple Candid online funding research tools.
The TGRC offers trainings and orientations for funding research, for both nonprofit organizations and individuals. Because of the availability of electronic information on state and federal grant opportunities, the TGRC emphasizes private sector funding options and information (i.e., private foundations and corporate foundations/direct giving programs). It has little on-site information about small business startups.
In keeping with its original commitment to make information accessible to all, the TGRC is open to everyone, free of charge.
About Candid
As a Funding Information Network partner of Candid, the Texas Grants Resource Center offers valuable online tools and core publications from Candid.
Online Resources:
The TGRC offers free access to online funding research tools from Candid:
Foundation Directory Online
A database of the entire universe of over 108,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S. and over 3 million recently awarded grants.
Foundation Grants to Individuals
Educational support — scholarships, fellowships, loans, and internships
- Students and graduates of specific schools
- Arts and cultural support
- Awards, prizes, and grants by nomination
- International applicants
- Employees/families of employees at specific companies
- Research and professional support
If you are seeking nonprofit funding, please click here to learn more about our offerings.